IPL for dry eyes from Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)

If you suffer dry eyes from Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), you might want to consider IPL as an effective treatment.

MGD is one of the main causes of dry eyes. It is caused by the blockage of the meibomian glands inside the eyelids. The function of meibomian glands is to produce a smooth layer of oil on the surface of your tears to prevent quick evaporation. However, with the oil glands being blocked, it results in unstable tears and quick evaporation, hence dry eyes. The problem with MGD is that it is not reversible. Once the glands become atrophic (death of the glands) there is no way for the oil glands to grow back and restore to its 100% function.

IPL is found to help stimulate the production of the oils in the meibomian glands, which will produce a much more stable tear film. This will ultimately result in an improvement of dry eye symptoms and prevent further atrophy of the meibomian glands.

How many Sessions?

Generally, four sessions are usually required.

Occasionally, a fifth session is required depending on the severity of your dry eyes.

For most effective treatment outcomes, we recommend the following treatment plan.

  • Day 1: First IPL treatment session
  • Day 15: Second IPL treatment session
  • Day 45: Third IPL treatment session
  • Day 75: Fourth IPL treatment session
  • Day 120: Dry Eye Review

How Effective is IPL?

According to recent scientific studies, 86% of patient reported that they noticed an improvement in their dry eye symptoms after the third session of IPL. Usually after the fourth treatment, you will get dry eye reliefs for a minimum of six months, up to 29 months.

Although there are occasions where you may need to repeat treatments after 6-12 months depending on the severity of your MGD.

Are there any Contraindications for IPL?

Unfortunately, like all procedures, there are some contraindications.

Below is a list of the most common contraindications:

  • Very Dark Skin Phototype (Type VI: Very Dark/Black Skin)
  • Pregnancy
  • Disease that are stimulated by light (e.g. Lupus)
  • Any supplements that promote tanning
  • Recent (10 days) of high intense UV exposure (e.g. sunbed or tanning)
  • Recent (1 month) facial sunburn
  • Keloid scarring on/beneath the eyelids
  • Tattoo or Permanent make up on the area of treatment
  • Birthmarks on the area of treatment
  • Artificial tanning on the face
  • Use of Doxycycline

Shop 26, 204 Warrandyte Rd
Ringwood North, 3134

Shop 25, 210 Dunns Rd
Mornington VIC, 3931

03 8813 0505 Book Now