The Latest Technology

We use of cutting-edge optical technology allowing us to provide our patients with top-quality care. During your visit, you may encounter some of the following equipment at our practices in Ringwood and Mornington.

A Plus Optometry Melbourne Optometrist

Our Technologies

To provide the best possible eye care services, our practice is stocked with high-end technology.

Topcon Digital Slit-Lamp Camera

A state-of-the-art digital camera which can take both photos and video clips of the structures of your eyes. This is a vital tool in our practice as it allows us to document eye conditions including cataracts, corneal ulcers and eyelid abnormalities. Our digital slit lamp also includes a built-in infrared (IR) filter, which helps diagnose dry eyes.

Nidek RS300 Retinal Scan Duo – Optical Coherent Tomography (OCT)

This imaging tool utilises infrared light to inspect the cross-section of your eyeballs. This allows for the early detection and diagnosis of various eye diseases and disorders. Our cutting-edge Nidek RS330 Retina Scan Duo OCT encompasses both Retinal and Anterior OCT. This machine utilises both FAF technology and Digital Retinal Photography.

Medmont E300 Corneal Topographer

A precision instrument that uses reflections from its inbuilt rings to measure the shape of your cornea. This device is considered the gold standard for fitting expertty contact lenses, as it uses 32 rings and 9,200 measurement points to map out 102,000 analysed points. With such precision, we can fit advanced contact lenses like Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) and can quantify dry eye factors including tear evaporation rates.

Zeiss Humphrey Visual Field Analyser

A piece of technology that is very useful for measuring your visual field (peripheral vision), as well as screening and monitoring glaucoma and detecting any scotomas (abnormal blind spots) caused by neurological defects. This device is one of only a few systems that are capable of producing a report to illustrate visual field changes between two or more visits, making it eexpertly helpful for monitoring any disease progression.


This hand-operated device assists in treating Anterior Blepharitis. Painless, safe, and highly effective, BlephEx™ removes debris and scurf caused by the extreme growth of microorganisms. BlephEx™ treatment involves gentle scrubbing at the edge of the eyelids using the device’s medical-grade micro-sponge.


Blephasteam® is used for treating Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), which is one of the main causes of dry eyes. Blephasteam® goggles act a steam chamber, allowing moist heat to gather around your eyes. This melts away the oil which is blocking your Meibomian glands, allowing for fresh oil secretion, higher quality tear production, and relief from the symptoms of dry eye. Blephasteam® also helps to prevent further atrophy in the Meibomian glands

IPL (Intense Pulse Light)

Intense Pulse Light (IPL) is effective in treating patients who suffer from dry eyes due to Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD). IPL uses a flash lamp to stimulate the production of oils in the Meibomian glands, resulting in more stable tears, an improvement in dry eye symptoms, and a reduction in the deterioration of the Meibomian glands.

MGD is one of the main causes of dry eyes and it is not reversible, meaning any damage cannot be undone. However, through IPL, patients can find relief from dry eye symptoms.

Topcon MYAH

This state of the art equipment is one of our newest additions to the plethora of technologies we have here at A+ Optometry. Topcon MYAH serves as 2 in 1 machine for our Myopia Control Melbourne Clinic as well as our Dry Eye Clinic.

We used the machine to measure the length of the eyeball (axial length) as well as the curvature of the cornea. This device is a game changer when it comes to Myopia Control (insert hyperlink for Myopia Control page) as it allows us to gain more data and insight toward our myopic patient’s eyes. This means we are able to determine the risk of development of any long term ocular disease associated with myopia and start preventative measures early.

Additionally, Topcon MYAH also comes with a whole suite of dry eye assessment tools and programmes to help us better diagnose and manage dry eye conditions for our patients.

At A Plus Optometry we invest in the latest technology so we can meet your eye health needs

Shop 26, 204 Warrandyte Rd
Ringwood North, 3134

Shop 25, 210 Dunns Rd
Mornington VIC, 3931

03 8813 0505 Book Now